Kalarte Gallery

ex-voto to Divina Senora
ex-voto retablo of Fernando Olmeda to Divina Señora
artist unknown
oil paint on tin
San Pedro, Guanajuato
date unknown; refers to mid-twentieth century, but probably from 1990s
ca. 8" x 10"

Good. Painting and text intact. A few splotches on painting. A few smears over text. Rust on reverse.

View detail of: Virgin | man and gun | text

Contact Kalarte Gallery

This picture shows the Virgin on the left. She is crowned and wearing a white gown and blue cape; she stands above clouds. In the main body of the picture, a man is sitting at an anvil, filing an object. A brick furnace is on the right. The flame of the furnace is in contact with the barrel of a gun. The gun discharges a bullet in the direction of the sitting man. Several smithing tools lie on the floor in front of the furnace. The prayer says:

Fernando Olmeda estando limando en el llunque, dio fuego un canon de masquete y le pasó la bala por el hombro izquierdo y le salió por el derecho. Y mirandose en tan fuerte trance le prometió a esta dibina [???] Señora que le mandará su salud y le mandaría ??? un retablo por lo que ahora cumple su promesa. San Pedro ??? de Grande, GTO.

(Fernando Olmeda was filing on an anvil, when a canon went off and the bullet passed by his left shoulder and passed away to the right. And looking at this in such a strong trance, he promised the Divine Lady that she send him his safety and so he would offer her a retablo. By this he now completes his promise. San Pedro, Guanajuato.)


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