Kalarte Gallery

ex-voto to Nuestra Senora de San Juan de los Lagos

ex-voto retablo, oil on tin, of Cornelio Perez to Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos
artist unknown

oil paint on tin
probably central Mexico
dated 1944 (but probably from 1990s)
ca. 10" x 8"


Condition: Good. Painting and text intact. Some rust on front and back of retablo.
Contact Kalarte Gallery

Details of: sick man and text | Virgin

This picture shows a man lying in a bed covered by a white sheet. His wife kneels at the foot of the bed, her hands folded in prayer to Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos. The Virgin is shown in the upper left of the painting, with folded hands and a crown, and floating in clouds. It is in the style of ex-votos from San Francisco del Rincon, Guanajuato. The prayer says (with errors):

En San Francisco del Rincon el 10 diciembre de 1944 Don Cornelio Perez de tanto tiempo de padecer en la cama, enfermo de todo el cuerpo como reumatismo. Se vio gravisimo. Su esposa Antonia Muños no cesó de encomendarlo a Maria Santisima de San Juan. Y al poco tiempo sanó.

(In San Francisco del Rincon [in Guanajuato] on December 10, 1944, Don Cornelio Perez was suffering on his bed for such a long time, sick in his whole body with something like rheumatism. He was very gravely ill. His wife, Antonia Muños did not cease commending him to the Most Holy Mary of Saint John of the Lakes. And in a little while, She healed him.)

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